Maroochy Little Athletics
Feb 21 min read

Maroochy Little Athletics
Nov 2, 20241 min read
Our 2024-25 Committee are seeking support from the wider Maroochy membership to take on Roles for the new 2025-26 season. Expressions of Interest (EOI) can be submitted to maroochylas@gmail.com or offers of help can be discussed with Alison at Friday night meets. EOI are open until 28 Feb and the new committee will be announced at our General meeting on March 14.
We are looking for Treasurer, Recorder and Publicity as Committee positions and other minor roles as Team members e.g. Tiny Tots Coordinator, assist with Facilites, Age Managers & Competition Assistants, such as Team manager for region comps etc
All positions become vacant at the end of season however most of the current committee have indicated they would like to continue in their current roles again next season. We are a progressive committee with our athletes as our prime focus so please feel free to join in and help YOUR athlete.
We will be farewelling Alison Q at the end of this season when, after some 44 years of service to Centre as well as Qld Little Athletics, she is "retiring"!!