2024/2025 Season Program
Join us Friday nights from 5:30pm during our Athletics Season - September to March
We run a 4-week rotation for the U6 - U17 age groups that includes
sprints, hurdles, long distance, long and triple jump, high jump, discus, shotput, javelin and race walks.
See below for the current season program and check out the current season calendar here.
5:00 - 5:30 Shed open for any admin or uniform purchases
5:30 Athletes divide into age groups to begin warmup
We are usually finished by around 8pm (younger age groups finish earlier).
We request that parents are present and involved - supporting as Age Managers or on specific events.
The role of parent helpers is really straight-forward, and outlined here on our Parent Help page.
Tiny Tots
Our Tiny Tots program starts at 5:30 on a Friday evening (during the season) and finishes around 6:30.
Is your little one just a little too young to join the full program? Tiny Tots is a fun program designed for 3-4 year olds
as they are starting to learn the skills ready to join the Little Athletics competition. They too run, jump and throw,
just like their older friends, through games and obstacle courses - because play is fun!​